Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Texas welcomes the McCrays with Open Arms PART II

Before we get started with the rest of what Texas had to offer the McCray family, I would like to thank Kevin Ulshaffer  who welcomed us into his home when we first arrived in Texas. Congrats on your new bride Kevin, we're very happy for you !!!!!

Part I of this blog left off on Valentine's Day and now we're moving onto the wonderful weekend.
It's now Saturday February 15, 2014 and I am on the way to the first tournament of the weekend being hosted by Dynamic Discs. I arrive for the Cedar Hill Chill with an Open Pro Men's field of 41 players. This is a huge field for a one day event and one that I want to win very much...so that's just what I did. I am so happy that I won this event, my first win in Texas has arrived. I met a lot of great people and I enjoyed my rounds very much. Thank you to everyone who played and ran the event.

Thank you God for this opportunity 

OK, shake off Saturday and let's move onto to Sunday February 16, 2014. It's another one day event hosted by Dynamic Discs. I arrive at the Towne Lake Pro/AM and a field of 26 pro open male players. I was able to practice this course for a round but upon my arrival I found out that there were three more temporary holes added...I better get out there quickly and see those holes and warm up a bit because I really want to win this event as well...so, that's what I did. I am so elated to have won the Towne Lake event . I was able to play with some of the same players as I did the day before which was very nice for me. Getting to know people along the way is just as exciting as winning an event.  Again, I want to thank everyone behind the scenes and on the course for such an amazing weekend.

To learn more about the tour that Dynamic Discs hosts please visit Dynamic Discs

Dynamic Discs

After such a wonderful weekend we're now off to Abilene, Texas. My good friend Joe Simpson has thrown together a 2nd Disc Golf Clinic in Texas. We were graciously welcomed by Joe's sister Simone and her family. Such hospitality that my mind is just blown away. Simone welcomed us with a warm meal, shower, washing machine, front door key and wonderful conversation. Thank you Joe and Thank you to Simone and her family.

The disc golf clinic was held on Wednesday February 19, 2014. We had about 20 players come out for the clinic as well as a local newspaper reporter and the college disc golf teacher. It was a great afternoon of learning with a nice double's round after the clinic...but wait, there is a problem with Gus the RV. All of a sudden our generator is no longer working. Here comes Texas hospitality again. Jimmy Simpson to the rescue. Jimmy diagnosed the problem and had us fixed up and ready to go within the hour. 

Joe and JohnE
Disc Golf Clinic Abilene, Texas
Disc Golf Clinic Abilene, Texas

 Thank you to everyone who came out to the
disc golf clinic. The McCray family appreciates
each and every one of you!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. What I love most - is that there were 3 Simpson kids (Joe, Simone & Jimi) who pitched in to make y'all feel welcome. That's Texas. That's our family. I was so happy to meet all three of you and we really do extend a welcome and place to park and plug-in anytime you need it. Be safe. Have fun. Win big! (I typed wine big - Jennifer, that might make you smile!)

  3. Wine does put a smile on Jen's face. Your family is just so wonderful. .. we really enjoyed our stay. We are hitting the caverns when we leave Arizona... can't wait!

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